
Cashmere Double - The craft of the masters

Cashmere Double - The craft of the masters

With the arrival of the winter season, our cashmere coats return to play their role magnificently: to give warmth and extreme elegance to our outfit. At HEVA we only use 100% double cashmere, a fabric that is worked by our tailors with great care and attention.

To make our cashmere coat it takes about 6 days of work as they are entirely handmade (without the use of machines).

The fabric is opened, dividing the two colors that make it up at the point where the seams will be positioned and then joined by hand to complete the garment.

All our coats are embellished with our fur, coming from the best Italian tanneries and certified by the Saga Furs.

You will find variants with our Artic Fox, Mink, Swakara and Sable.

Discover the collection.

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